So its been a while.  I got very lazy with the blogging the past few months.  You'll totally forgive me though because I have some outstanding news.  We did another PCR test of the urine last week and there was NO SIGN of the distemper.  He tested NEGATIVE.  Can you believe it?  I feel like pinching myself.

So... all in all, we are probably out of the woods.  I'll admit it, I had a good cry to release some of the stress.  Yes, there is still a chance its hiding somewhere... but I think all in all the chances of his survival are pretty good now.  There are some dogs who have an encephalitis type relapse when they are old, but for now its all good.

So the plan now is to get boostered for all the shots we need, but didn't have "just in case".  I admit it makes me nervous to do anything (even the heartworm pill he gets makes me nervous) but I'm hoping its fine.    I don't want to wait anymore because we really need to go to obedience class to get socialized.  Cooper is a bit of a brat on the leash (lunging, barking, etc) and that is not fun.  Well, to be honest, he's a brat in general.  I think I have treated him like a sick puppy for just a wee too long.  For example, letting him walk along the back of the couch is probably not a good idea. : )

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