May Update

My New Year's Resolution to keep up with Cooper's blog is going so well!  (wink, wink)!

The old adage that no news is good news is true in this case.  Cooper is doing great and there have been NO SIGNS of the distemper.  I could blame his drive and ability to destroy my shoes and clothes as a side effect, but you and I both know that's probably not true!  R.I.P. green Sofft shoes.... I miss you.

In all seriousness he is doing very well.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that he was so sick.  We are now off of the Wellness puppy food and have switched to adult food.  I was going to stay with Wellness, but Whole Foods started carrying Castor & Pollux Ultramix, which was my late dog Onyx's favorite food, so we are trying that.  I'm not sure its as "whole" but he likes it.  He also enjoys playing and is a bit like the energizer bunny in that regard.  He and my dad's dog Sherlock get along like gang busters.  They play, and play, and play.  One of the great things about Cooper is that once he is tired from playing, he is one cuddly dude!  I swear he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.  (Steve, he is sorry about peeing on you.  I promise it was just excitement.)

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