Ewe.... Gross!

Well, we have a new symptom! Cooper also has worms. Hopefully he is healthy enough to be dewormed. We will go to the vet on Monday. I think this is the first day he has not run a temperature either, so things are stable.

On the down side, I think his paws are starting to thicken. This is called "hyperkeratosis". This is further indication of the distemper, and that the virus is maybe getting a good hold on my puppy.

For those that don't know, distemper is an awful virus. Survival rate is 20% to 50%, at best. The virus works in phases. It first usually goes for the lining of the lungs, creating bad pneumonia. Also, the nose and eyes run and drip like crazy. Case in point, all last week Cooper constantly had snot stuck to the sides of his face. It was gross. Anyway, after the lung attack, if the animal survives, then stomach and/or skin issues come into play. Finally, the neurological systems are attacked, which usually is just about as bad as it sounds. I just hope that Cooper does not reach that phase. I hope beyond all hope that his little white blood cells and killer cells kick the distemper's ass to the curb. For more on distemper, read here.


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