Still Improving

Cooper is still doing well and there are still no signs of any neurological problems.  We have for sure 2 more Immunoregulin treatments scheduled, and then we'll see.  I'm nervouse about the vet giving him the Parvo/Distemper vaccine.  I'm afraid of the distemper vaccine kicking something on in his immune system. The vet says its fine, but it makes me nervous.

I saw this morning on the news an organization called Pup Squad.  They are having an event today downtown called "Barkitecture".  I'll probably go check it out, although I'm feeling quite lazy.  Anyway the organization sounds fabulous.  It is made of former BARC volunteers who wanted to help the puppies in particular.  Fabulous!


Bett-No Kill Houston said...

I'm glad to hear Cooper is still doing well. I'd be nervous about the vaccine as well. Seems like his little immune system is already working overtime to try to overcome the distemper. Does he come into contact with other dogs where there is a risk of Parvo?

Bett-No Kill Houston said...

BTW: Pup Squad is a great group!

bluedog0610 said...

No, he doesn't come in contact with other dogs where Parvo is an issue.... but life happens, you know. I'm supposed to talk to my vet about what the plan is next week. My gut feeling is to wait for the 3 month mark for the distemper booster... maybe there is a parvo by itself? Don't know.

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